ESPON Cross-border Public Services 2.0 (CPS 2.0)

Cross-border Public Services (CPS) address joint problems or development potentials of cross-border regions. Being provided on a long-term basis they aim to generate benefits for the general public or a specific target group in the cross-border territory in which the service is provided, thereby contributing to improving living conditions in border regions.  

The ESPON CPS 2.0 study focuses on an upgrade and update of the CPS inventory produced within the ESPON targeted analysis in 2018. Establishing a solid inventory is aimed at making this Pan-European territorial evidence easily available for public authorities and other (public or private) stakeholders.  

It is being implemented in a complementary effort and coordination with the Cross-Border Public Services project by the DG REGIO which further developed the previous conceptual and methodological framework for collecting and analysing CPS data across the European Union including the internal and external borders and an interactive web application. This framework revision also aimed to widen the variety of information potentially relevant for CPS.  

The ESPON CPS 2.0 study focuses on updating the CPS inventory by adding new CPS and updating information on existing ones. This inventory is designed with sustainability and robustness in mind for continuous monitoring of CPS. In 2022, it contains information on about 1500 CPS across the EU including borders with IPA and neighbouring countries.  

The CPS 2.0 is an outcome of a coordinated effort of the different tasks of the two study teams involved in the ESPON CPS 2.0 study and the DG Regio CPS project. 

Service provider

Spatial Foresight Gmbh (Luxembourg)
TCP International GmbH (Germany)
Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) (Fance)


60.000 EUR


October 2021 – June 2022






Presentation Cross Border Public Services 2.0.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 3.80MB

Final report Cross Border Public Services 2.0.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 8.07MB


  • Excel Document | 610KB