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44 articles found [11 - 15]
  • ESPON Events on Metropolitan Areas and Cities
    Event | January 18, 2022

    National Peer-Learning Workshops and High Level Policy Conference, January – March 2022

  • Pubblicati due nuovi Policy Brief in italiano
    Country Article | January 13, 2022

    Sono stati pubblicati due nuovi Policy Brief, in italiano, rivolti ai policy makers e a quanti vogliano approfondire le tematiche di interesse del programma ESPON.

  • Turin - MISTA
    Case Studies | August 25, 2021

    Analysing the undergoing economic restructuring process (that resulted in decreasing the share of manufacturing in employment) and of different spatial and structural consequences in the competition for industrial land for Turin metropolitan area.

  • Sicily - CIRCTER
    Case Studies | August 24, 2021

    Each case study within the CIRCTER project looks into an initiative that have been implemented to move towards a circular economy and with that tries to identify how circular economy works in real

  • Bassa Romagna - SUPER
    Case Studies | August 24, 2021

    Each case study within the SUPER project looks into the impact of a particular intervention on urbanisation and land-use and how the public sector can guide these changes.
