Places for People: Bringing the European perspective into Croatia’s new national policy on architecture


Zagreb, Croatia

Croatian Association of Architects, Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata

31 March 2023

Trg bana J. Jelačića 3/1
10000 Zagreb

The emergence of new pan-European design policies and initiatives, such as the Davos Declaration (2018), the EU Member States expert group on ‘High-Quality Architecture and Built Environment for Everyone’ (2019) and, most recently, the ‘New European Bauhaus’ (2020), have been paving the way for a reinforced European design agenda, fostering spatial quality and a place-making culture across Europe. In 2021, the EU Council adopted a new architectural policy, the ‘Council Conclusions on Culture, high-quality architecture and built environment as key elements of the New European Bauhaus initiative‘, which reinforced the momentum and the European commitment for promoting high-quality living environments. 

The aim of the workshop is to bring leading national policy experts on architectural and design policies from selected European EU Member States together with Croatian stakeholders and provide a better understanding of architectural policies in the EU, showcasing best practices and facilitating exchange of experiences and knowledge.

Missed it? Watch it online!

English version:

Croatian version:

Please visit the photoalbum here.

Reference documents of the workshop:

- Croatian architectural policy (2013-2020)

- Dutch architectural policy (2021-2024)

_ENG_Actieagenda Ruimtelijk Ontwerp 2021-2024.pdf

- Finnish architectural policy (2022-2035)

- Swedish architectural policy (2018)

- State and City Architects report (2022)


PLW Croatia Final Programme 27.03.23.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 153KB

Dutch architectural policy Saskia Naafs.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 5.46MB

Finlands Arcitectural policyHarju Emma.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 1.53MB

Policy for designed living environment Jessica Segerlund.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 3.65MB