New legislation on Public Procurement in Luxembourg & ESPON FAQ

New legislation regarding public procurement has been approved recently in Luxembourg and therefore from 20 of April 2018 the following law and regulation have entered into force:


The list of all the regulations regarding the public procurement legislation in force in Luxembourg can be consulted at the link below:

The new legislation is ensuring the transposition in Luxembourg of the EU Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement.

All the public procurements initiated by the ESPON EGTC after 20 of April 2018 will be implemented on the basis of the new legislation mentioned above.

The public procurements, and related contracts, initiated by the ESPON EGTC before 20 of April 2018 will be implemented following the legislation in force at the movement of their initiation, respectively the law on public procurement of 25 June 2009 (« Loi sur les marchés publics du 25 juin 2009 ») and the regulation of 3 August 2009 (« Règlement grand-ducal du 3 août 2009 portant exécution de la loi du 25 juin 2009 sur les marchés publics »).


E-Procurement to be implemented by the ESPON EGTC

In line with the provisions of the EU Directive 2014/24/EU the new legislation on public procurements establishes that e-Submission will become mandatory for all contracting authorities as of the 18th of October 2018, when all tender submissions will have to be done electronically.

The electronic procurement processes should cover at least:

 - The transmission of notices in electronic communication;

 - The communication by electronic means at all stages of the procedure;

- The transmission of requests for participation;

- The electronic transmission/submission of the tenders.

The submission of a tender in electronic version is made according to the provisions of the Regulation of the 27th of August 2013 related to the use of electronic means in public procurement procedures (Règlement grand-ducal du 27 août 2013 relatif à l'utilisation des moyens électroniques dans les procédures des marchés publics modifiant le règlement grand-ducal modifié du 3 août 2009 portant exécution de la loi du 25 juin 2009 sur les marchés publics et portant modification du seuil prévu à l'article 106 point 10° de la loi communale du 13 décembre 1988).


In order to submit a tender in an electronic version the economic operators will have to obtain and activate a LUXTRUST product (smart card or signing stick), needed to access the Luxembourg Portal of Public Procurements (Portail des Marches Publics –

The procedure to obtain a LUXTRUST product is described at the dedicated website:

Please note that for the economic operators outside Luxembourg the procedure to obtain a LUXTRUST product can be longer. Information regarding the procedure can be found at the following link


In order to ensure a transition period and give the opportunity to all interested economic operators to submit e-Tenders, the ESPON EGTC will implement e-procurement already with the next open calls.

Therefore, for the next open calls, initiated by the ESPON EGTC in the period May-October 2018, the economic operators will have two options to submit their tenders: either in a format of an electronic version (following the requirements of the e-Procurement) or physical version (as implemented in the previous open calls launched by the ESPON EGTC before May 2018).


Public Procurement - Frequently Asked Questions

New page on public procurement related frequently asked questions is available on the ESPON website at: