182 articles found [73 - 84]
  • Featured Map | 19 May 2015

    ESPON provided new territorial evidence on the urban system in Europe. In this context, small and medium sized towns as well as very small towns play an important role for territorial development. As the map shows, three main types of urban areas and towns can be identified in Europe:

  • Monitoring | 29 January 2015

    This publication provides brief, factual information on a selection of important key figures and main territorial trends affecting European regions, specific types of territories, metropolitan regions, cities and rural regions.

  • Monitoring | 29 January 2015

    The ESPON Monitoring Report presents territorial evidence on the progress Europe has made towards the orientations of the Territorial Agenda 2020. It also explores how the recent development trends may have contributed to the achievement of Europe 2020 objectives.

  • Evidence Briefs | 27 January 2015

    The ESPON Evidence Brief is a new, short and informative publication targeting policy makers and practitioners and building on main research results from recent ESPON p

  • Evidence Briefs | 27 January 2015

    Poverty and social exclusion concern all regions in Europe, irrespective of their economic situation. The Europe 2020 Strategy highlights the importance of delivering inclusive growth, giving strong emphasis to job creation and poverty reduction in Europe. The Strategy aims at fighting poverty and social exclusion with the headline target of “having at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion in the European Union by 2020”

  • Territorial Observations | 27 January 2015

    ESPON Territorial Observations aim at providing policy makers and practitioners with short and concise information on important new evidence to various dynamics of the

  • Scientific Reports | 15 January 2015

    ESPON has promoted the scientific component of the Programme through conferences and workshops, cooperation with European organisations in the fields of regional science, geography and spatial planning, as well as with a dedicated series of reports mainly targeting the scientific community.

  • Territorial Observations | 1 November 2014

    Over the last years, the movement in favour of an integrated European urban policy has gained momentum. The importance of cities has been highlighted by the European Commission, and a public consultation over a future European Urban Agenda has been organised over the past months.

  • Synthesis Reports | 21 October 2014

    Territories finding a New Momentum: Evidence for Policy Development, Growth and Investment - ESPON presents a third synthesis of findings building on applied research by transnational research teams from all over Europe.

  • Territorial Observations | 8 October 2014

    The economic crisis has witnessed the most severe economic downturn in the history of the European Union and has reversed a long trend of converging GDP and employment rates. Yet not all regions experienced economic decline and rates of recovery have varied greatly.

  • Featured Map | 29 September 2014

    “How far have different parts of Europe already progressed towards a green economy?” This is the question that this Map of the Month on the regional green economic performance, showing aggregated performance in different spheres, attempts to answer.

  • Territorial Vision | 25 September 2014

    Vision and Scenarios for the European Territory towards 2050 - This new ESPON publication serves as an appetizer on the results of an ESPON applied research project, ET2050.
